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2 min read
Feed the calm rather than the chaos
It's a normal to reaction to feel anxious & even overwhelmed right now but we need to try our best to feed the calm rather than the chaos.
1 min read
Darkness and lightness
How beautiful it is to feel the full range of human emotions. How beautiful it is to allow such internal expansion.
1 min read
Mindfulness practice
Darling, pull the curtains back. Open the window. Greet the new day. Smell the fresh air as if you've been missing it for years. Notice...
1 min read
You deserve the best of you
Gift yourself the honour of sacred time with yourself. This lies in the little rituals, the daily habits and the acts of love you share...
1 min read
Make your life sacred
Make your life feel like you are truly living.
1 min read
Important Reminder
It's okay to feel whatever you are feeling
1 min read
What do boundaries feel like?
What do boundaries feel like? It's not my job to fix other people. It's okay if others get angry. It's okay to say no. It's not my job to...
1 min read
Black and White thinking
Black and white thinking is when our brains see things as either one extreme or the other. This is a form of cognitive distortion....
1 min read
Victim Mentality
The story you are telling yourself, makes it seem like you are stuck in a hole. When in reality, you are the one in control. Do you often...
1 min read
You are not the problem
You are not the problem: you are not the label they put on you or the diagnosis you received. You are you, and that problem you are...
4 min read
Emotional Reactions
Ever find yourself responding immediately in the moment to something or someone which has triggered an emotional reaction? I do! We all...
Self-healing tools
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