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3 min read
7 Ways to maintain your self-care this Winter
As we navigate the complexities of life, I wanted to take a moment to remind you of the incredible importance of self-care. In today's...
4 min read
Let's talk about your relationship with food and your body
Diet culture teaches us to continually be on a journey of self-improvement, assisting us in feeling dissatisfied with our bodies and...
2 min read
Food is NOT the Enemy
We all need food to survive. It's a basic need and yet we have the most complicated, nuanced relationships with food compared to any...
2 min read
The Emotional Responsibility of becoming a Parent
Part of becoming a parent is taking emotional responsibility for yourself, by healing your own wounds so that you don't pass them onto...
2 min read
Turning Triggers into Gold
Every time you feel yourself being triggered by something recognize the opportunity to become aware of your feelings and get to know...
2 min read
It's not 'needy' to communicate your needs
Something I've learnt from my 6 month old daughter is that communicating your needs is a survival skill. For her, she has multiple ways...
1 min read
Texts to send a loved one who is struggling with their mental health
Here are some ideas for texts to send to your friend who is in need of some support. Sometimes it can be hard to know the 'right' thing...
2 min read
Happiness without a side of incessant worry
On Instagram yesterday I asked the community to share what was on their hearts with me. One of the truths that came up was: 'I wish I...
2 min read
Seeing the Gold in Others
When we learn to open our hearts to see the inherent goodness which lies beneath the surface of others, we open up a channel for them to...
1 min read
Learning to Love Ourselves
Sometimes as adults we need to learn how to love and take care of ourselves. It seems like such a basic skill, which one would think...
3 min read
Service before Self
In South Africa, as multicultural and diverse as we are, there seems to be a commonality in culture around serving others before...
2 min read
Hi. It's me, Annie.
It's been a hot minute since I've showed up in this space... It's no secret that I've been a bit of an enigma, resting in the shadows and...
2 min read
Connection during COVID-19
The opposite of dis-ease is connection. When we feel connected to ourselves and others we find comfort and ease.
2 min read
Flow > Balance
Life is a constant balancing act, shifting from one role to the next, one focus to another.
1 min read
Are you a 'fixer'?
If it makes you feel uncomfortable to see people struggling, ask yourself what you are struggling with.
1 min read
Girl, stop apologising
Girl, stop apologizing.
Replace your sorry with a thank you and see what starts to shift within you and around you.
1 min read
Your thoughts are not facts
Always remember that your thoughts are not facts.
You can and should question them.
1 min read
You are in charge of your thoughts
As you move forward on your healing journey it is normal to still have negative or unhealthy thoughts.
Self-healing tools
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