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2 min read
Let's normallize taking mental health days
I'm not sure who needs to hear this but your mental health is just as important as your physical health. This week I came down with an...
2 min read
Happiness without a side of incessant worry
On Instagram yesterday I asked the community to share what was on their hearts with me. One of the truths that came up was: 'I wish I...
2 min read
When should I consider starting therapy?
One of the questions I get asked frequently; so here is a list of indicators as to why one should consider starting therapy (or another...
2 min read
Feed the calm rather than the chaos
It's a normal to reaction to feel anxious & even overwhelmed right now but we need to try our best to feed the calm rather than the chaos.
1 min read
Mindfulness practice
Darling, pull the curtains back. Open the window. Greet the new day. Smell the fresh air as if you've been missing it for years. Notice...
1 min read
Important Reminder
It's okay to feel whatever you are feeling
2 min read
Breathing for Stress Relief
I just wanted to share a quick exercise with you which I find extremely helpful in relieving stress and anxiety. It's called Nadi...
7 min read
Why Yoga Is Excellent For Mental Fitness
Ever wondered why yogi's look so peaceful, chilled and harmonic? It's not only due to the culture of yoga (or the stuff they spray in the...
6 min read
Is it Stress or Anxiety?
So it seems that we all have plenty of stress AND anxiety to deal with in our daily lives these days and for some reason I'm finding that...
6 min read
7 Steps to a grounding morning ritual
Is the way you start your day as important to you as it is to me? I've recently started my day off in a very simple yet fulfilling way...
4 min read
Self-care meditation accessible to anyone
Ever tried to do a mediation at home and got distracted by about a million things and was like, 'nah, this ain't for me'? Or perhaps you...
Self-healing tools
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